> Select Data Series <
Each data series consists of 600 to 5000 rolls of the dice / 70 to 600 players / 16 to 133 hours of play.

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Test #'s For Number Counter OFF and ON for come out roll 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, & 7

Dice Roll Possible Dice Combinations
2 1-1
3 1-2, 2-1
4 1-3, 2-2, 3-1
5 1-4, 2-3, 3-2, 4-1
6 1-5, 2-4, 3-3, 4-2, 5-1
7 1-6, 2-5, 3-4, 4-3, 5-2, 6-1
8 2-6, 3-5, 4-4, 5-3, 6-2
9 3-6, 4-5, 5-4, 6-3
10 4-6, 5-5, 6-4
11 5-6, 6-5
12 6-6

Started with $25 - ended with $655. Good couple of hours!

Data Set 1 ones twos threes fours fives sixes Total
Die1 341 378 355 361 354 324 2113
Die2 341 364 360 330 336 382 2113

Total Players
= 277
Total Hands
= 672
Total Rolls
= 2113
~56.3 Hours*
Averages Av Hands
= 2.4

Av Rolls
= 7.6
~12 Min*

4's 10's 5's 9's 6's 8's
Total 173 163 245 227 261 308
% of Total 8.2 % 7.7 % 11.6 % 10.7 % 12.4 % 14.6 %
% Probability 8.33% 11.11% 13.89%
Combinations 3 4 5
True Odds 2:1 3:2 6:5
Odds Paid Pass Line Odds & Come 2:1 3:2 6:5
Odds Paid Place Bet 9:5 7:5 7:6
Times Rolled Over 277 Players - OFF on the come out roll.
Note: sum does not total actual rolled - must look at ON on come out roll for that number.
X 4's 10's 5's 9's 6's 8's
1 57 60 51 57 59 81
2 17 11 26 20 28 21
3 7 3 10 8 16 13
4 1 1 4 5 3 6
5 1 2 1 2 2 1
6 3
7 1
9 1
H4's H10's H6's H8's
Total 58 55 52 60
% of Total 2.7 % 2.6 % 2.5 % 2.8 %
% Probability 2.51% 2.88%
Combinations 1 1
True Odds 8:1 10:1
Odds Paid 7:1 9:1
Number of times #'s Rolled Per Player - Off For Come Out Roll X H4's H10's H6's H8's
1 35 23 34 28
2 5 6 2 2
Number of times #'s Rolled Per Player - On For Come Out Roll X H4's H10's H6's H8's
1 42 40 44 49
2 8 6 4 4
3 1 1

Craps Odds

2's 12's 3's 11's 7's Any Craps
Total 62 63 112 108 391 237 908 / 908 345 736
% of Total 2.93 % 2.98 % 5.30 % 5.11 % 18.50 11.22 % 42.97 % 16.33 % 34.83 %
% Probability 2.78% 2.78% 5.56% 5.56% 16.67% 11.12% 44.45% -% -%
Combinations 1 1 1 1 6 1 - - -
True Odds 35:1 35:1 17:1 17:1 5:1 8:1 5:4 ? ?
Odds Paid 30:1 30:1 15:1 15:1 4:1 7:1 1:1 (3,4,9,10,11)
2:1 (2)
3:1 (12)
27:4 (2,12)
12:4 (3,11)
30:1 (2,12)
15:1 (3,11)
4:1 (7)

Times Rolled "PER PLAYER" Over 277 Players - Note: not necessarialy in a row! ON / OFF on the come out roll.
X = 19 / 2 2's 12's 3's 11's 7's
Out 277 X
Winner 114 X
Any Craps Field Horn World
1 44 / 33 50 / 34 52 62 51 80 66 66 84 87
2 6 / 2 5 / 2 19 15 22 34 51 36 44 78
3 2 / 1 1 / 1 6 1 5 13 36 20 20 42
4 / / 1 2 1 7 15 18 9 33
5 / / 1 2 16 13 4 17
6 / / 2 12 10 3 7
7 / / 10 9 3 2
8 / / 13 5 1 4
9 / / 4 2 3
10 / / 5 3 1 1
11 / / 4 2 1
12 / / 1
13 / / 4
14 / / 1 1
15 / / 1
16 / / 1
19 / / 1
62 63 112 108 1 237 908 908 345 734
Times Rolled "Consectutively By A Player" Over 277 Players
Note: To get totals, multiply the number of times rolled by the multiplyer and add them up and you will get a correct total.
X = 7 / 2's 12's 3's 11's 7's
Out 277 X
Winner X
Any Craps Field Horn World
Actual % Tot
1 58 63 100 100 185 290 31.9 508 241 318
2 2 0 6 4 26 118 13.0 218 41 124
3 0 0 0 0 0 52 5.7 100 6 34
4 0 0 0 0 0 23 2.5 48 1 12
5 0 0 0 0 0 17 1.9 25 0 4
6 0 0 0 0 0 7 0.8 8 0 0
7 0 0 0 0 0 1 0.1 1 0 0
62 63 112 108 1 237 908 - 908 345 736

Roll Distribution
For example - in the center column below 16 players rolled the dice 9 times (left column) before 7ing out.
In the same row, 3 players (right column) had 9 hands (left column) during their turn.
Players = 277
Rolls = 2,113 or
Hands = 672
Rolls Per Player Hands Per Player
Av = 7.6 Av = 2.4
1 118
2 61
3 38 38
4 40 26
5 32 14
6 29 9
7 13 4
8 20 1
9 16 3
10 18
11 11 1
12 10
13 4
14 5 1
15 5
16 4
17 2
18 6
19 3
20 2
21 5
22 3
25 1
26 2
28 1
29 1
30 1
31 2
32 1
33 1

Number of times #'s Rolled Per Player - Off For Come Out Roll
X 4's 5's 6's 8's 9's 10's
1 57 51 59 81 57 60
2 17 26 28 21 20 11
3 7 10 16 13 8 3
4 1 4 3 6 5 1
5 1 1 2 1 2 2
6 3
7 1
9 1

Number of times #'s Rolled Per Player - On For Come Out Roll
X 4's 5's 6's 8's 9's 10's
1 78 89 94 116 80 85
2 26 31 33 38 36 26
3 9 16 22 17 12 3
4 4 6 6 4 8
5 3 1 6 1
6 1 2 2
7 1 1 1

For this Data Set observation there were 7.64 rolls per shooter. Over 200 rolls the mathematical mean number of rolls per shooter is 8.525 - see craps probability of survival page.


* A Little trivia and where I came up with 1.6 min per roll. What is the probability of rolling a pair of dice 154 times continuously at a craps table, without "sevening out"?
The answer is roughly 1 in 1.56 trillion. A woman named Patricia beat those odds on May 23th 2009 at the Atlantic City, New Jersey Borgata Hotel Casino and Spa. Patricia's 154-roll lucky streak, which lasted 4 hours and 18 minutes, broke the world records for the longest craps roll and the most successive dice rolls without "sevening out." She made 25 pass line wins and had an estimated table win of $180,000. This is an average of 1.675 minutes per roll.

According to Stanford University statistics professor Thomas Cover, the chances of that happening are smaller than getting struck by lightning (one in a million), being hit by an errant ball at a baseball game (one in 1.5 million) or winning the lottery (one in 100 million, depending on the game).

Another record was rolling 118 times for 3 hours and 6 minutes without sevening out. This turns out to be 1.576 minutes per roll.

So, (1.675 + 1.576) / 2 = 1.625 or ~1.6 minutes per roll. Ergo - I think 1.6 is a fairly good number.

Now lets talk about rolls per player. My averages come out to ~ 12 but there is a lot of data that suggest that rolls for a player can go be in the 30's to 50's with the maximum recorded being 89.

And the mathematical truth about the chances of winning at the game of craps can be viewed at the following link. A Mathematical Analysis of a Game of Craps basically mathematically proves the house has nothing to worry about losing any money even though craps gives you the best odds of any game in the house. But yet, apparently some people do win and others supposedly make a living playing craps.


Observational results thus far are:
1) It is better to be ON on the come out roll for Lay bets.
2) it is better to be OFF on the come out roll for place bets.
3) The jury is out on OFF or ON for the come out roll for Hard numbers. Hard numbers roll more times in a row when ON. More to come!
4) ???

Let's Play Craps

Pass Line Bets cannot be removed once a point is established and can be made after the point is established. Odds bets can be increased or removed any time.

Don't Pass Line Bets can be removed at any time but cannot be made or increased after the point is established. The 12 or 2 will be a tie or Bar. If the 3 is a Bar or tie - leave. The casino is taking you for all they can.

Lay Bets 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, and 10 can be made any time or removed any time. You have to lay the odds to get paid the bet so you have to lay 2 to win 1 for the 4 and 10, lay 3 to win 2 for the 5 and 9, lay 6 to win 5 for the 6 and 8. There is a 5% vig to make this bet and it is 5% of what you win so if you lay the 4 for $200 the vig is 5% of $100 or $5. If the calculated vig comes to slightly more than 5% the casino will round down. The minimum vig on any bet is $1. So if you lay the 4 for $20 the calculated vig is 5% of $10 or $0.50 so you would pay $1. To get full usage of the vig a minimum bet of $40 to win $20 for the 4 and 10, $30 to win $20 for 5 and 9, and $24 to win $20 for the 6 and 8 - each would cost $1 in vig each time the bet were made.

Some casinos charge the commission only if your bet wins. That makes a difference in the house edge, as we’ll see below.

Let’s start with casinos where you must pay the commission on all lay bets, win or lose.
If you lay 4 or 10, the house edge is 2.44 percent. In the long run, per $100 wagered, you would average $2.44 in losses.
If you lay 5 or 9, the house edge is 3.23 percent.
If you lay 6 or 8, the house edge is 4 percent.

What if the house charges the commission only on winning bets? Then the house edge is reduced on all numbers.
On 4 or 10, commission on winners only, the house edge is 1.67 percent.
On 5 or 9, commission on winners only, the house edge is 2 percent.
On 6 or 8, commission on winners only, the house edge is 2.27 percent.

1) Pass Line Bet & Dont Pass Line & Lay Bets - ON / OFF

Pass Line Bet Dont Pass Line Bet

Lay 4     Lay 4 On or OFF COR
Lay 10     Lay 10 On or OFF COR
Lay 5      Lay 9
Lay 6      Lay 8

Display Check Total $ Graphic For Lay Bets

2) Place Bets ON / OFF

Place Bet 4 PB4 Press
Place Bet 10 PB10 Press
Place Bet 6 PB6 Press
Place Bet 8 PB8 Press
Place Bet 5 PB5 Press
Place Bet 9 PB9 Press

Display Place Bet Test Values

3) Hard Number Bets ON / OFF

Hard 6 - Off and On COR Hard 6 Parlay
Hard 8 - Off and On COR Hard 8 Parlay
Hard 4 - Off and On COR Hard 4 Parlay
Hard 10 - Off and On COR Hard 10 Parlay

Hard 6 Stays On Soft - Off and On COR Hard 6 Stays On Soft Parlay
Hard 8 Stays On Soft - Off and On COR Hard 8 Stays On Soft Parlay
Hard 4 Stays On Soft - Off and On COR Hard 4 Stays On Soft Parlay
Hard 10 Stays On Soft - Off and On COR Hard 10 Stays On Soft Parlay

4) Field Bets (2 & 12 Pay 2X) ON / OFF

Field Bet Parlay Field

5) One Roll Bets ON / OFF

2 Parlay 2
3 Parlay 3
12 Parlay 12
Any Craps Parlay Horn

11 Parlay 11
Horn Parlay Horn

Return Results For Graphing Field Only "Roll by Roll" - No Spaces

Show Allowed Totals To Check Totals (PB4, PB6, PB8, PB9, PB10) (All Press Scenarios)
Play various betting strategies

Count strategy before betting - Default is 5 count

6) Show Each Die Value And Dice Total - One Roll At A Time - Last Table - No / Yes

* Return Results For Graphing

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> Data Set 1 <
277 Players / 672 Hands / 2113 Rolls / 56.3 ~Hours

3/14/2025  Rev=B   6:45:11 AM

1) Pass Line Bet / Dont Pass Line Bets & Lay Bets = OFF

2) Place Bets = OFF

3) Hard Number Bets = OFF

4) Field Bets = OFF

5) One Roll Bets (2 - 3 - 11 -12 - Any Craps - Horn) = OFF

6) Each Die And Dice Total One Roll At A Time = OFF